Monday, February 25, 2013

Simple Tomato Guacamole Salad

This is a scrummy accompaniment, probably more suited for a summer meal, but none-the-less it is tasty! The Cumin and Cayenne Pepper give it a little kick, whilst the lemon and Coriander give a fresh flavour on the palet, all tied together with the creaminess of the Avocado.

Here's a little information about some of the super foods you will be consuming!

Avocado- Avocado is considered one of the healthiest foods on the planet with it being packed full of 25 essential nutrients. It should be mentioned that avocado is quite calorie dense, being high in fats; however, these fats are monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats (also known as Omega-3's), both of which improve the functioning of the body. Avocados also contain some fibre, protein and phytochemicals which help protect against various illnesses and diseases. Overall the consumption of avocados..... Helps to maintain a healthy heart, helps to lower blood cholesterol, controls blood pressure, has anti-aging properties, anti-inflammatory properties, and is rich in antioxidants helping to fight against free radicals. So gobble-up guys! 

Cayenne Pepper- Known for it's anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, cayenne pepper can help your body to fight many ailments. It is also a digestive aid through it's influence within the body to increase the production of gastic juices and enzymes within the digestive tract. This helps to speed up metabolism.

Cumin- traditionally used in herbal medicines as a digestive aid as well as an antiseptic of sorts. This means it may help your body with problems such as nausea, diarrhea, and indigestion, along with its antiseptic properties helping your body to fight any illness and boost your immune system.

Lemon Juice- naturally high in Vitamin C, lemon juice will again boost your immune system and fight against infection. Although acidic tasting, lemons are extremely alkalis and aid in keeping the ph balance of your body neutral at around 7.4. It is a blood-purifier, and aids in detoxing the body. 

Ingredients Will make one large bowl (serve approximately 8 as a side salad)

2 avocados
1 large bunch of Coriander, washed thoroughly (adding texture to a dish is great but the crunch of any grit left in between the leaves of Coriander... No thank you!) 
500 g cherry tomatoes
Juice of 2 lemons
1 red pepper
2 Courgettes
1 tbsp Cayenne Pepper
1 tsp Cumin
1 tsp Paprika
Cajun Spice shake

NOTE!!!   You may want to add more or less Cayenne Pepper and Paprika to the dish depending on your preferred level of spice! Both of these are types of chillies, with Paprika being a lot more mild than most varieties of chilli. Also depending on what brand of Cajun spice mix you may use, the spice of the dish will vary!!


To make this salad it is just as easy as dicing everything up and throwing it in a large salad bowl. Half the tomatoes, cube the courgette, chop the Coriander up finely and slice the red pepper into rough small squares. Throw it all in the bowl and squeeze over the lemon juice and shake over all the spices. 

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