Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SuperFood Maca and Cinnamon Banana pancakes

As it's pancake day, it is the PERFECT time of year to post my favourite pancakes! Anyone who knows me well enough, will know I will probably have some version of this pancake every other day for breakfast; so it is about time I post them on here!  
These pancakes are super easy to make and are great healthy treat to begin your day. They are high in protein, helping to keep you fuller for longer, and provide you with bunches of energy to keep you going all day long! 

Both Maca and Cinnamon are extremely beneficial in their consumption, not to mention give the flavour of the pancakes a little something extra...

Cinnamon is a great digestive aid and works with insulin in the body to metabolize sugar. It has antiseptic properties, and is beneficial to the kidneys, lungs and heart. 

Maca is a super food that has been around for around 3,000 years, and has been used medicinally in South America for centuries. Grown in the most harshest conditions in the peruvian Andes, Maca contains an abundance of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, polynutrients and essential fatty acids. Maca is an 'adoptogen', meaning in the most simplistic terms that it helps the body to adapt to changes and stress. 
Maca bought from the shops, starts as a root, is then dried and turned into powder. It is said to have the ability to increase energy and stamina, increase libido, help oxygenate the blood, balance hormonal production, and support neurotransmitter production. The flavour of Maca is sort of sweet, with a hint of malt flavouring; some describe it to be a bit like butterscotch but in large quantities it can be quite overpowering! As suggested on the back of the packet, Maca should be consumed, like anything, in moderation; they suggest 1-2 teaspoons a day. You should be able to find it in most health food stores and can easily be bought online.... even EBAY sell it!! Note, try to buy it organic, also check it is pure Maca root as some are sold with other ingredients added!

The riper the bananas, the better......as this gives them a sweeter more banana-ry flavour!!

It should be said that if you cannot find the Maca root powder, these banana pancakes are just as good without... you'll just be missing out on all of those fab health benefits mentioned above!! I do appreciate it is an ingredient that is not the most readily available.... 

I normally vary my toppings on these pancakes. Today, I simply went for what yummy things I had in my fridge: Strawberries, natural yoghurt, a Clementine, cocoa nibs (another great super food!), lemon juice and some pumpkin seeds. This tends to change most times I make these, depending on what I have to offer in the fridge. Below I have listed a few things that really do go great!

(makes 2 medium sized pancakes)

2 whole eggs
1 egg white
1 medium rip banana
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp Maca
Tbsp linseeds

Toppings suggestions:
Any fruit
lemon juice
natural/greek yoghurt
grated dark chocolate
peanut butter
chocolate spread
Maple syrup
Ice cream


In a bowl add all of your ingredients.

Begin to mash your banana with a fork. You can either do this before you add the eggs etc or after, either way is fine! Whisk all the ingredients well! The more you whisk, the 'fluffier' they will be. The extra egg white helps to give them a 'less dense' texture. Eventually you want to get quite a liquid mixture, but any banana chunks isn't such a problem. I took a photo of my mixture so you can see what it's like. Ultimately, the banana chunks with cook within the mixture and soften... you won't notice at all!

In a non-stick pan, wipe round some oil with kitchen paper, and sprinkle in some linseeds. 

Turn the hob onto a medium heat and pour in half of you mixture. 

Wait until it is completely set before flipping. It really is a waiting game.... It should only take a few minutes.  Flip and cook for another few 30 seconds and serve on your plate!! Repeat this step for the second pancake.

Nows the time to fill up on all your toppings! Go wild guys! Below are some photos of what I ended up with... 

Strawberries, natural yoghurt, 1 clementine, and cacao nibs....

Squeeze over a wedge of lemon.....

And finally, I sprinkled over some toasted pumpkin seeds...... Yum!

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